Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Baby Wipes...

We are close to being out of wipes therefore I thought today would be a good day to make my own. I am trying to completely get away from all the chemicals in cleaning products and baby wipes are one of those things. I still have some wipes for those really horrible diapers that the boy likes to make but will mostly use the ones I make.

I reused the wipe tub that I have been refilling with wipes but put cotton squares (you can use reuse cloths or paper towels) in it instead (purchase for 1.98). In a spray bottle, I put 2 cups water, 2 Tablespoons of baby shampoo (currently using Burt's Bees but will need to find something else because they are now owned by Clorox)and 2 Tablespoons of Oil ( currently using Burt's bees Oil, it smells wonderful but will find something else). Mix each time you use. I just spray it on his hinny but you can spray it on a the wipe replacement. Wipe as usual.

Cost was 1.98 total because I was using everything I have at home and the bonus is his hinny smells pretty good.


  1. Have you tried plain Aloe on his hinny?

    Also, do you use cloth diapers? If so, his hinny may benefit from using white vinegar in the rinse cycle as it neutralizes the alkalinity of detergents.

  2. I tried cloth diapers but I did not like the ones I bought cause it was more like a burp rags. I did find a how to make your own so I will try that soon. First I have to Spring Clean the house and make a couple of shirts for some students for their history projects...
