Thursday, March 4, 2010

Laundry Soap....

I use powder clothes soap and we go through a BUNCH of it between the winter, kids, and a husband.... Here is the recipe that I have been making.

2 cups Fels Naptha Soap (finely grated – or you could use these bars of soap...Ivory soap, Sunlight bar soap, Kirk’s Hardwater Castile, and Zote )
1 cup Washing Soda (I found with the powder soaps. It is called Arm & Hammer Washing Soda)
1 cup Borax (I found with the Oxy Clean)
Mix well (I have to use my hands to break up the grated soap into finer pieces by mixing it with the Washing Soda and Borax) and store in an airtight plastic container.
Use 2 tablespoons per full load.

There are more recipes found at

A friend from H.S. named Sharon posted on her blog the liquid clothes soap that she uses.

1 bar grated Fels-Naptha soap
1 quart water
1 ½ cups Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda
1 ½ cups 20 Mule Team Borax
4 gallons hot tap water
Cheese Grater
5 gallon bucket with lid
Smaller container to store soap

Grate all the Fels-Naptha bar soap. Add to 1 quart of water in a large sauce pan and cook until soap is dissolved and mixed well. Pour into the 5 gallon bucket, add borax and washing soda. Whisk until mixed well. Add 4 gallons of hot water and mix again. Let sit over night, stirring occasionally; detergent will be jelly like the next day – stir again. Pour some into a smaller container for easier use, or use directly out of the bucket. If you use jugs, leave enough room to shake it up before each use, or stir in the big bucket.

Put vinegar in the last rinse cycle, downy ball, or the cup in the washer for fabric softer. Vinegar does the same thing as fabric softer for alot less.

At our local grocery store, they carry a soap called Clearly Natural. It comes in Peppermint smell and a vitamin E form. I will use this instead of Ivory from now on. I use the Peppermint in the Laundry. I like the clothes smell when they come out of the wash.

Have fun and Enjoy... Happy Savings...

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