Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dish Soap

Today I was on a mission to find dish soap. I found three different recipes but I think I am going to use the third which I will include here and post the website so that if so chose to look at you can. There are a total of three recipes here... http://www.diylife.com/2009/08/03/how-to-make-your-own-dish-soap/

Recipe #3: Solid Soap Shavings
You can save even more money by making dish soap from leftover pieces of bar soap! Just be sure to chop them into very fine pieces first.

1. Place 2 cups of soap shavings into a large bowl(such as Ivory, Fels Naptha, or any other kind of soap you would like)
2. Add 2-3 cups of hot water and let it sit overnight (I let it sit all day) to soften.
3. Stir the mixture until it becomes smooth(I had to use my fingers to mash some of the big chucks and a large mesh strainer). Add more water to reach the desired consistency.
4. Add 1/2 cup of lemon juice or white vinegar to help fight grease.
5. Shake well before using.

This is a HUGE batch (I made about 75 oz) that cost the price of a bar of soap and lemon juice. I will store them in plastic containers that I have kept instead of throwing them away.

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